Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system. This includes thecomputer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.

Are you ready to buy a computer? Let's take a trip through the components of a computer for some advice. We'll learn about the motherboard, memory, storage, connectivity and peripherals

Desktop or Laptop?
I typically refer to the computer I use as my laptop. The one my son uses is our desktop, even though it doesn't sit on the desk!
How about we go shopping for a new computer system for you? First we'll have to figure out if a desktop or a laptop is going to be best for you. One thing that I'll use in terminology is the system unit. This is the case that contains all of the components needed for your computer to work. The two constructions available to you are the desktop (or tower) or a laptop.

Laptops are for the user who prefers portability. This unit is common for someone like you - a college student, consumers who travel frequently and business people who find themselves working in places other than their office.

The desktop, or tower, is intended for a user who doesn't need a computer that is portable. They are larger in design and often have more features and computing power.

Now that you know for sure what the differences between the two are, which system seems like it would be best for your situation? Let's talk about the details of how computers we're looking at are put together. Many of the components I'll show you will have more than one choice for you. Your budget is going to be what drives many of the decisions that you make.
