In this 21st Century, the technology is leading in development economy of the world. The technology we are dealing here is the use of ICT in all fields of economic development. The ICT uses electronic devices like Computers.

In this post, we are going to discuss about computer and its leading hardware and software problems and how we can resolve them.

Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information(data) in particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predeternined but variable set of procedural instructions(program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals a person who makes calculations, especially with a calculating machine.

Computer is comprised with two parts which are Hardware and Software. Hardware part is also composed with Central Processing UnitMonitor or Screen and Peripherals.  Whereas Software part is cmposed with Operating Systems and Application Softwares

In the next post, we will discuss in deep about Hardware and software parts of computer desktop and laptops and their main problems.

1. Computer is Low
                   Software: Could be malware, too many start up items or build up of 
                                     temporary files
                  Hardware: Could be hard drive is fragmented or starting to fail, not 
                                     enough RAM or an old CPU

2. Computer keeps restarting
                 Software: Could be automatic OS update problem, adware, virus or other
                 Hardware: Could be graphics card, motherboard or network card drivers

3. Keyboard, Mouse, Pointer or other peripherals are not working properly
               Software: Could be drivers issues
               Hardwares: Could be computer port issues or peripheral component issues

  •  4. Internet is slow
  •                  Software: Could be an app in background is consuming the bandwidth
